Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded TRIO program that provides a variety of services to motivate and assist students in successfully completing their postsecondary education. Services provided include peer tutoring and mentoring, academic advisement, computer access, and cultural/educational events. The mission of SSS is to guide and support its particpants in achieving their individual postsecondary education goals.
Applicant Personal Information
Complete the following fields:
Race, American Indian or Alaskan Native
Race, Black or African American
Race, Hawaiian or other Native to Pacific Island
Applicant Background Information
Answer yes or no to the following questions:
Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces?
Did you earn a high school diploma?
Were you dual enrolled in high school?
Are you a transfer student?
Eligibility Information
Answer yes or no to the following questions:
Are you a U.S. Citizen?
Did Parent 1 graduate from college with a 4-year degree (bachelor's)?
Did Parent 2 graduate from college with a 4-year degree (bachelor's)?
Do you have a documented disability?
If you have a disability, have you completed the online applicaton for Disability Services?
Did you complete the 2024-2025 FAFSA?
Are you receiving any Financial Aid for the 2024-2025 academic year at PRCC?
Check any of the following types of Financial Aid that you are receiving:
Check which of the following applies to you:
Dependent Student (23 years old or younger, not married, no dependents, not a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces, not an orphan or ward of the court)
Independent Student (24 years old or older, married, have dependents, a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces, an orphan or ward of the court)
Are you receiving TANF, Social Security, SNAP, and/or Medicaid?
Do you plan to graduate from PRCC?
Do you plan to graduate and transfer from PRCC?
Have you decided which college you want to transfer to?
Have you previously graduated from college?
In a few words, describe your academic need, and explain how TRIO SSS can assist you.
Which of the following services are you interested in? (Check all that apply.)
Transfer Assistance with Enrollment Process for 4-Year College or University
Workshops (study skills, financial aid, career exploration, internships)
Assistance with Applying for Financial Aid
Learning Support Groups (for specific classes)
Career options/advising/counseling
Assistance/Support for Students with Disabilities (Providing Advocacy for Academic Success)
Academic Advice and Assistance in Course Selection
Exposure to Cultural Events/ or College Visits
 By signing below, I certify that all of the information which I have provided is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that by applying to this program, I give permission to SSS staff to obtain records to review my academic progress and determine my eligibiliy that include but are not limited to all Financial Aid, Admissions, and Disability Office data. This would include the Federal Student Aid Report from current FAFSA data.
If necessary, additional documentation may be requested. This information will be used for reporting purposes to the U.S. Department of Education as required by law or the terms of the SSS grant. I understand that the information will be kept confidential and will only be used for reporting purposes as mandated in the SSS grant and in assisiting students with grant related services.
After validation, the cell phone number will become part of the electronic signature.
Parent Signature if 17 Years Old or Younger
After validation, the cell phone number will become part of the electronic signature.
Pearl River Community College offers equal education and employment opportunities. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, veteran status, or disability. For inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies or to request accommodations, special assistance, or alternate format publication, please contact PRCC’s ADA/Civil Rights Coordinator at (601) 403-4068.